IECEx 001

Apply basic principles of protection in explosive atmospheres

ATEX directives, explosive atmospheres legislation and obligations
Dynamics of ATEX explosions, understanding of hazards
Places where explosive atmosphere may occur, the persistence of this environment and determination of zones (zones)
Selection and installation of equipment to be used in explosive atmospheres
Repair, maintenance and operation of equipment used in explosive atmospheres
Basic requirements for electrical equipment operating in hazardous areas
“d” type protection, “e” type protection “i” type protection, “p” type protection, “o” type protection, “m” type protection, “n” type protection, other protection types
Non-electrical equipment type “h” protection, “c” type protection, “b” type protection, “k” type protection
Ex - rules for the design, selection and installation of electrical installations
Control and reporting during assembly
Issues to be considered in repair and maintenance
Periodic maintenance techniques and reports
Field application examples (application is made on the 3rd day)
Testing and evaluation
Reference Documents