IECEx Unit 002

Training Code/Name    

Ex 002- Hazardous area classification

Aim of the Training

To explain the explosive environment methodology, to teach the basic protection principles used in explosive atmospheres and the protection types of Ex Equipment, to reinforce them with applications, and to provide the technical knowledge needed.

Training Outcome

Develop the knowledge and skills to classify hazardous zones (Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 20, Zone 21, Zone 22) and to analyze and apply precautions. Gain the knowledge and skills to collect and analyze data related to explosion hazards, determine the scope of risks, and create zones.

Who can participate in the Training

Technical team, technical experts, and other interested participants who are familiar with the process and equipment together with chemical, electrical, mechanical, and other engineering personnel who classify hazardous areas, know the properties of flammable materials, chemical, electrical, mechanical, and other engineering personnel can be included in the program. There are no prerequisites for participation in the training.

Training Content / Training Duration (16 Hours)

ATEX directives, IECEx system, explosive atmospheres legislation and obligations

Places where an explosive environment may occur, the permanence of this environment and hazardous zones

Identification of physicochemical properties of hazardous substances, preparation of the list of data obtained

Gas groupings and temperature class determination of flammable gases, vapors and/or dust that may be present in the area

Identification of potential release source liquids, gases, mists or dusts under process conditions

The terms "combustion", "ignition source" and "propagation" in areas with the potential to create an explosive atmosphere

Types/levels of lower and upper limits (LFL / UFL) in explosive atmospheres

Tables of substance properties and properties of flammable substances - gases, vapors (flash point of liquids)

Ignition (Explosion) Temperature, Flash Point, LFL and UFL, Molecular Weight, Boiling Point, Vapour Pressure, Vapour Density, Gas Group, Temperature Class, etc.

The difference between gases and vapors, the nature and potentially harmful consequences of gases and vapors

Analyzing and measuring natural ventilation and / or forced ventilation

Examination of existing ventilation projects and conformity analysis of projects (IEC 60079-10-1, IEC 60079-13,

ACGIH®) comparison with standards and codes

Compiling the collected information and making hazardous zone calculations of gas and vapors (liquids)

Tank, reactor, pump, valve, battery charging area, powder coating and spray coating applications;

-Hazardous area classifications defined by the standards

-Formulae and constraints taken into account when classifying a hazardous area

-Direction for explosion protection, containment, energy limitation, dilution, elimination of ignition sources

Identify and interpret sources of dust emissions and decide on hazardous areas

Cleaning procedures and work permit systems and procedure applications

Preparation and recording of classification documents and filing for inclusion in the verification file

Testing and evaluation


Reference Documents

ATEX Directive, IEC 60079-10-1, IEC 60079-10-2, IEC 62485, EN 16985 Standards


International IECEx Certified / Academician -Efari Bahcevan


After the training, theoretical and practical measurement - evaluation is carried out and "Ex 002 - Hazardous area classification" training certificate is issued to the successful participants.