Layer Of Protection Analysis (LOPA) Training

1 Day

Layers of Protection (LOPA) will be able to evaluate the effects and make calculations.

Purpose of the Program 

The Bowl-tie analysis, conveyed to the participants, is a reflection of the necessity of the method to identify and analyze ways of raising a cause to result. It can be thought of as a combination of a fault tree analyzing the causes of an event (represented by the node of the bow-tie) and an event tree analyzing the results. However, bow tie analysis; the effectiveness of the system is assessed by focusing on the barriers between the causes and the consequences of risk to risky transformation and risk. It tells how to switch to LOPA layers with Bow-tie diagrams.

Output Program

At the end of the program, the participants will be able to assess and calculate the Layers of Protection (LOPA) impacts that can be combined with adverse events to define the protection mechanisms to mitigate the effects of risk and consequences.

Who can participate in the Program?

 Employers / Employer Appellants, Production Managers, Quality Managers, Maintenance    Managers, Other Managers, Warehouse Managers, Process Safety Assigned Persons, Occupational Safety Specialists, Workplace Doctors, Healthcare Personnel, Chemistry / Electrical / Mechanical Engineers and Technicians, Employees in Other Fields.

It is the identification and analysis of hazards through a simple diagram of the ways of risking the consequences to the conclusions and the checking of the controls. The cause of a Fault Tree analysis can be regarded as the unified logic of an event tree analysis and its results (represented by a bow tie node).

Identification of a specific risk, represented and analyzed as a bow tie (center node)

The causes of the events should be listed in terms of sources of danger (or risks involved in security)

Identifying the mechanism that leads to the critical source of danger,

To establish a relationship between each cause and event to form the   left side of the bow-tie,

Determining the factors (escalation factors) that will lead to the increase and including the diagram,

This approach; can be used for positive results if established associations reflect "controls" that act on the occurrence of the event.

- On the right side of the bow-tie, to identify the different potential results of the risk and to make a design to go to each potential result from the risk event,

- The resultant obstacles are depicted as vertical bars along the radial lines. This approach; can be used for positive results if the bars reflect controls that support the occurrence of the event.

- To be able to identify the relations and obstacles on the system independently or to define independence,

Digitization is more conveniently carried out using Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA).

- Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA),

- Introduction of protection layers,

- Examination of ten protection layers,

- Combination of protection layers to create bow tie diagram,

- Examination of the past three accidents,

- Creation of a scenario with a one result-One reason

- Probability calculations are made with the bow-tie diagram,

- Participants make application through sample scenarios.